Organizational Assessment

"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality."

Warren Bennis

Wise leaders demonstrate the courage to take a look at current reality on a regular basis, thereby ensuring that strategic and human systems challenges are corrected early, in easily manageable stages.

Let our EQIQ team assist you in assessing the health of your organization, refining your vision and mission statements, and developing the most effective action plans. Next, allow us to help you course adjust according to the chosen results parameters, so that you can keep navigating toward the extraordinary outcomes you seek.

We have consistently seen the reward gained by company cultures that are guided by whole-hearted leadership–in which emotional intelligence and business management skills are both at play.    Organizations with higher levels of employee engagement, collaboration and cross-team functionality will consistently show higher profitability. This requires transparent leadership behavior, positive role models, honest and respectful communication, and a conscious effort to bridge intent with behaviors and results.

Whether you are an established enterprise or a new start-up, internationally or local community-based, for profit or not-for-profit, EQIQ will tailor our consulting and training to meet your organization’s unique needs.  Our Organizational Assessment process quickly and accurately identifies critical strengths and performance gaps within an organization and provides a potent source of input for the facilitated strategic planning session that follows.

Core Benefits:

  1. Improves organizational performance through more powerful alignment of leadership focus, supervisory practices, teamwork/collaboration at all levels
  2. Creates common leadership focus, language and core behaviors
  3. Generates higher levels of employee engagement

What Does It Do:

  • Provides an unbiased, objective, confidential and focused assessment
  • Provides a “snapshot in time” of the current operational reality and utilization of human resources in terms of leadership behaviors, level of teamwork and organizational learning
  • Increases employee engagement levels through consistent understanding, common points of agreement on leadership practices and human systems planning
  • Demonstrates key strengths while also highlighting key leverage points to address performance gaps and significant opportunities for improvement
  • Leads to a facilitated strategic planning retreat with key leaders in a results-oriented interactive process of discovery, leadership dialogue and alignment of planning and key next steps to maximize organizational human systems performance
  • Creates mutually agreed-upon leadership methodology, team performance practices, leadership language and skill sets to provide higher levels of employee engagement, innovation and efficiency
  • Generates clearly defined performance expectations, leadership practices, collaboration processes and process steps to generate better organizational outcomes and bottom-line results

Additional services offered include but are not limited to:

  • Vision and Mission Formulation
  • Systemic Innovation
  • Culture Change (including Merger Dynamics and Global Market Change)
  • Senior Level Executive Coaching

Organizational Assessment

Our Organizational Assessment process quickly and accurately identifies critical strengths and performance gaps within an organization and provides a potent source of input for the facilitated strategic planning session that follows.

close up of 'courage' stone on textured stone background

Check Your Courage Quotient

We invite you to take our quick survey to get your Courage Quotient.
> Take the Survey