Leadership Intensive Training (LIT)

“No team ever became great by accident.”

Robert "Dusty" Staub

The Leadership Intensive Training (LIT) provides a competitive edge for your organization and its teams by creating higher levels of effectiveness in both strategic and operational dynamics. Generally delivered in a two-day format, it includes one to two additional half-day follow-ups to check on progress, reinforce learning and lock in gains.

Customized to meet the unique needs and culture of each client organization, the LIT is designed to build individual leadership effectiveness as well as to develop team orientation and cross-functional collaboration.

The LIT consists of a unique blend of practical, hands-on skills and tools that integrate core emotional intelligence (EQ) success factors with intellectual quotient (IQ) strategic and tactical thinking methodology. It is a highly interactive process that uses performance profiles, case examples, a holistic framework for leading, a Courage Quotient assessment, personal 360 feedback as well as individual and group coaching processes to heighten individual and team effectiveness.

Value Creation Outcomes You Can Expect:

  • Creating common leadership language, practices and skills
  • Creating personal leadership effectiveness plans with measurable behaviors
  • Enhancing cross-boundary and cross-functional collaboration and cooperation much faster than traditionally thought possible
  • Speeding up organizational learning and transfer of knowledge
  • Learning how to diagnose and intervene effectively in conflict situations
  • Understanding and using critical performance-based feedback skills
  • Developing higher levels of employee engagement
  • Developing a more whole-hearted approach to working with and relating to others

Leadership Intensive Training (LIT)

Customized to meet the unique needs and culture of each client organization, the LIT is designed to build individual leadership effectiveness as well as to develop team orientation and cross-functional collaboration.

close up of 'courage' stone on textured stone background

Check Your Courage Quotient

We invite you to take our quick survey to get your Courage Quotient.
> Take the Survey