Leadership Across Organizations
Organizational Assessment
Wise leaders demonstrate the courage to take a look at current reality on a regular basis, thereby ensuring that strategic and human systems challenges are corrected early, in easily manageable stages.
Whether you are an established enterprise or a new start-up, internationally or local community-based, for profit or not-for-profit, EQIQ will tailor our consulting and training to meet your organization’s unique needs. Our Organizational Assessment process quickly and accurately identifies critical strengths and performance gaps within an organization and provides a potent source of input for the facilitated strategic planning session that follows.

Navigating Change
In today's rapidly changing world, leaders are being asked to make difficult, often unwelcome decisions. Systemic inequalities and other structures that have not been working for a long time have been laid bare. Emotions are running high. There is no way to minimize the very real hardship and pain and loss that are touching so many lives.
And still, the best leaders will seize this moment of change and challenge as a key opportunity: to take a fresh look at the why, the “what” and the “how” of the work they are engaged in.
EQIQ’s time-tested tools of heart-centered leadership and courage are perfectly suited to managing what we call second-order change, change that is unexpected and different than anything we might have imagined or prepared for.

The Power of Inclusion
Organizations interested in promoting diversity and equity must create a culture of welcome and inclusion. This ensures maximum engagement, creativity, problem-solving and high-end results.
Let EQIQ help bring awareness to unconscious behaviors that get in the way of a culture of broad-spectrum collaboration, innovation and follow-through.

Courageous Conversations
One of the biggest challenges that leaders face, something that negatively impacts the integrity and reputation of their organizations, is the lack of timely, effective Courageous Conversations.
Creating a company culture where Courageous Conversations are the norm allows critically important messages to be delivered–up, down and to peers–in a timely manner, toward highest gain for the individuals involved and for the success of the organization’s mission.