Executive Coaching

“A little bit of the right kind of change can have a huge impact in terms of results.”

Robert "Dusty" Staub

Why invest in Executive Coaching? 1-on-1 coaching, toward developing maximum leadership potential, can make a powerful difference not only in the personal career trajectory of the client, but also on behalf of the organization and the team members she or he works with.

Why choose EQIQ? EQIQ leadership coaches bring decades of experience as well as proven tools and strategies to help our clients take the next step in leadership capacity.

We provide a neutral, supportive perspective and help guide accountability, so that strengths can be leveraged, while blind spots and learning edges can be brought to awareness and effectively navigated.  With ongoing support and encouragement, clients can achieve permanent cognitive and behavioral changes toward leading a more significant life - at work, at home and in the world.

How do we approach Executive Coaching? We use a holistic framework of heart-centered leadership developed by our founder, Robert “Dusty” Staub.

As our client you will:

  • Define and refine you Core Life Purpose.
  • Bring clarity to your Vision, the way in which your Core Life Purpose is meant to flourish over time, at work and in your life as a whole.
  • Review Competency, Passion, Integrity and Intimacy as key leadership qualities required to ensure engaged followership, team collaboration and successful business enterprises.
  • Review eight distinct Acts of Courage using our Courage Quotient tool, and assess your strengths as well as your growth opportunities.
  • Work with your Executive Coach using a plan customized to your needs. Proven leadership tools will be introduced; you and your coach will review your experience as you practice these new skillsets, and refine your personal action plan accordingly.
technology smart business background with heart shape gears

Executive Coaching

Let us help you define your Core Life Purpose and support you in taking the courageous, skillful actions to stay the course.

close up of 'courage' stone on textured stone background

Check Your Courage Quotient

We invite you to take our quick survey to get your Courage Quotient.
> Take the Survey